FIFA Soccer Office Pool Manager
Office Pool Junkie wants to be your go-to Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup soccer office pool manager!
We have a variety of pool formats available for FIFA World Cup pools to keep the fun going all tournament long:

Format Summary:
A pool where participants make picks to predict the outcome of the Round of 16 bracket prior to the beginning of the round.
Scoring is based on each correct pick.
Configurable Options:

Format Summary:
A pool where participants make picks to predict the winner of games weekly.
Scoring is based on the difference between the winning and losing teams' scores, meaning points are gained for picking correctly and lost for picking incorrectly.
Configurable Options:

Format Summary:
A pool where participants make picks to predict the winner of games weekly.
Scoring is based evenly on each correct pick.
Configurable Options:

Format Summary:
A Round of 16 pool where participants rank the teams prior to the beginning of the knockout round.
Scoring is based on the rank given to each team when they win.
Configurable Options:

Format Summary:
A pool where participants make picks to predict the winner and runner-up of each preliminary round group as well as the tournament's consolation and final games prior to the beginning of the tournament.
Scoring is based on each correct pick.
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