| Enhancements: All Picks Pages | 2025-02-22 |
Some enhancements to our All Picks pages across all formats:
- Under the Participant Picks tab, the pick tooltips have been replaced with modals that allow you to:
- Navigate across participants and picks
- Jump to the corresponding Pick Summary
The tab can now also be filtered by a particular pick. You'll find these new pick filtering options under the Page Settings.
- Improved cosmetics and navigation of the Pick Summary tab.
For instance, you can now filter the Participant Picks tab with the participants listed in a modal’s Picked By section by clicking the Show in Participant Picks button.
- The Pick Summary and Scoring Summary tabs can now also be viewed for your Watch List only.
As a visual aid to indicate when a page is being viewed for your Watch List, is now prefixed to the page heading (example: All Picks).
| New Pool Format: Numbers Quest | 2025-01-25 |
We're excited to announce a new addition to our arsenal of pool formats: Numbers Quest!
This pool format has teams assigned to participants for the duration of the pool where the goal is to complete a configurable numbers quest. That is, for a team to hit a configured range of scores a configured number of times.
We're introducing this format for the following leagues:
| Enhancement: NFL Survivor Now Extendable Into Playoffs | 2025-01-25 |
Starting in 2025, our NFL Survivor Pools can be optionally extended into the playoff weeks. Oh the strategy that will require when repeat picks are prohibited! 😲 |
| Enhancement: Manage Participants Pagination | 2025-01-25 |
To improve performance, the Manage Participants page for pools with over 250 participants will now be paginated.
By default, the pagination defaults to 250 participants, but that can be increased under the Page Settings. |
| Enhancements: Bracket All Picks | 2025-01-14 |
A couple of enhancements to our All Picks pages for our Bracket pool format:
- The Participant Picks tab can now be filtered to show participants that picked a selected Team (and Opponent, optionally) for a selected Round. You'll find these new options under the Page Settings.
The Pick Summary tab has also been enhanced when clicking any pick count cell.
First, the navigation's been improved within the popup from its predecessing version in that you can now navigate teams and rounds directly within it.
Secondly, from it, you can now see:
- The team's results by round
- A summary breakdown by picked opponents
- The participants that picked the corresponding team for the corresponding round, and even corresponding picked opponent
You can also filter the Participant Picks tab with the participants listed in the Picked By section by clicking the Show in Participant Picks button.
| New League: Professional Women's Hockey League (PWHL) | 2024-11-25 |
We're happy to announce that we now support several formats for the Professional Women's Hockey League (PWHL)!
Click here to find out more! |
| New Pool Format: NCAAF Bracket Pools | 2024-11-18 |
With the changes this year to the NCAAF National Championship, we can now offer NCAAF Bracket Pools! |
| Bug Fix: Pools with Weekly Entry Fee | 2024-11-13 |
We've deployed a bug fix for pools that use a Weekly entry fee. This fix corrects a couple 🤦 oversights on our part:
- When we declare weekly winners (i.e. when there are no active participants for a week, we no longer declare winners)
- The prize amounts that we declare when the admin elects to play for free (prior to this fix, prize calculations incorrectly assumed the pool admin was always participating)
| New Feature: Pick Insights Sorting | 2024-11-06 |
We've added the ability to sort the Pick Insights table (in ascending or descending order) on:
- Picked Ratio
- Success Ratio (now default sort order)
- Team Name
- Team Record or Team Record ATS (ATS = Against The Spread, if pool is playing against it)
You can find these new options under the Page Settings. |
| New Feature: Survivor Pool Stats (Wins/Losses Left) | 2024-10-29 |
For Survivor pools that prohibit repeat picks, the counts in the Pool Stats > Wins/Losses Left table are now clickable links that will show the teams the surviving participant still has available to pick. |
| Enhancement: My Pools Redesign | 2024-10-29 |
We've redesigned the My Pools page to address this use case:
As a user in multiple pools with multiple entries, I want to be able to do the following from one screen:
- See what picks are outstanding across all my pools and handles
- Be able to access a pool's pick sheet for any pool handle
- See how I'm doing across all my pools and handles
For details about the new layout, please refer to these sections of our How to Navigate My Pools help:
| New Feature: Trophy Case | 2024-10-29 |
This new tab on the My Pools page displays all past pools where we've declared you a winner! |
| Enhancements: Manage Participants | 2024-10-29 |
The participant's Pick Status icons use the same new convention in My Pools, and are reflective:
- Of the pool's current week for weekly pick formats
- Overall for all other formats
Also, this page can now filter participants (under Page Settings) based different Pick Status options:
- No Picks Made
- Any Picks Made
- All Picks Made
- Current Week: Complete (for weekly pick formats only)
- Current Week: Incomplete (for weekly pick formats only)
| Enhancement: Reorganised Pool Menu & Pages | 2024-10-29 |
A couple of navigational changes to announce:
The My Summary page, introduced as a new tab under the Standings Pool Menu item last year, has been separated under a new menu item: Performance
Seeing Pick Insights relate to performance, that page tab (previously under the Pool Stats menu item) has been more appropriately relocated there.
- For the Survivor format, the Pick Matrix and Elimination Chronicle pages tabs (previously under the Pool Stats menu item), have also been separated under new menu items:
Pick Matrix Elimination Chronicle
| New Feature: Report a Bug | 2024-10-29 |
Find a bug? Please report it so we can fix it! 🤓
Click the new button at the bottom right of the page you spotted the bug, and most of what we ask for will be auto-populated. |
| New Feature: My Watch List | 2024-10-05 |
Play in bigger pools with your friends, family or colleagues and want to find them more easily?
This new feature solves that problem! Click here to find out more. |
| Enhancements: Survivor Pools | 2024-09-24 |
Elimininated participants will now be declared as games finish, which will provide a live view of the number of eliminated entries as the week plays out (instead of at the completion of the week). If you didn't know already, this view is provided under the Chronicle tab of the Pool Stats page.
We've also improved the "in week" sorting of the Standings by ordering participants as follows:
- Surviving entries
- Entries with picks made on outstanding games
- Entries with no picks made
- Eliminated entries
Lastly, we've included a Summary at the bottom of the Pick Matrix table that shows a week-by-week tally of the number of correct vs. incorrect picks. |
| New Feature: Sticky Show Spreads Option | 2024-09-05 |
The Show Spreads option under the Page Settings of the My Picks page is now sticky!
Sticky, in that it will be remembered by your browser for the pool the option was checked/unchecked for.
Note: this option is only displayed for the following formats and leagues where spreads are supported:
- Survivor
- Pick 'Em
- Confidence
- Margin
Thanks for the suggestion Tim! 👍 |
| New Feature: Entry Restrictions | 2024-08-20 |
Pool Admins now have the ability restrict the number of entries a person can join to their pools.
This new feature is configured in Step 2 of the Pool Wizard and defaults to 'Unlimited'.
Thanks for the suggestion Sean! 👍 |
| New League: English Premier League (EPL) | 2024-07-22 |
We're proud to announce that we now support several formats for the English Premier League (EPL)!
Click here to find out more! |
| Decommissioned: Broadcast Email & Manage Invites Pages | 2024-03-17 |
Due to the large amount of bounced emails and complaints these pages were yielding, which impacted our ability to deliver password reset, email verification and pick reminder emails, we have decided to decommission them.
While pool admins will now have to use their own email clients to invite people to their pools and/or broadcast pool messages via email, we've introduced these features to help with the transition:
| New Pool Format: Power Ranking | 2024-03-05 |
We're happy to announce a new addition to our arsenal of pool formats: Power Ranking!
This playoff/tournament pool format involves assigning teams to Power Ranking Values prior to the start of the playoffs/tournament where scoring is based on the Power Rank Value given for each team game and/or series (where applicable) win.
We're introducing this format for the following leagues:
Thanks for the suggestion Stuart! 👍 |
| New League: United Football League (UFL) | 2024-02-09 |
We're happy to announce that we now support several formats for the new United Football League (UFL)!
Click here to find out more! |
| Enhancement: New Final Tie-Breaker Options | 2024-01-28 |
We've introduced two new tie-breaker options for declaring final winners:
- Picks: Ties will be settled by the participant who has scored the most number of correct picks.
Applicable for Pick Em (when Best is enabled), Confidence and Margin formats only.
- Max Weights: Ties will be settled by the participant who has scored the most number of correct max weights. If still tied, the next highest weights will be considered until the tie is broken.
Applicable for Confidence format only.
| Bug Fix: Manage Participants | 2024-01-24 |
We deployed a bug fix to our Manage Participants page resolving an error that was occurring when a participant who owed more than $999 was being marked as paid.
Thanks Al for bringing it to our attention! 👍 |
| Enhancement: Navigational Improvement | 2023-12-28 |
We've implemented this navigational improvement on all pool pages displaying pool handles.
For a consistent experience, all pool handles are now links that when clicked, provides more info about the participant, and includes navigational links to highlight them in associated pool pages. |
| New Feature: Pick Insights | 2023-11-27 |
We've resurrected a page we used to call Pick Distribution as Pick Insights!
See how successful you are picking each team: overall, when picking with them, and when picking against.
An improvement from its predecessor: the insights are viewable in several splits (Overall, Home and Away, plus Favorite and Underdog for pools playing the spread)!
You'll find this new pool page under: Pool Menu > Performance > Pick Insights
Applicable for Pick Em, Confidence and Margin formats only. |
| Enhancement: A New Ingredient...Graphs! | 2023-11-14 |
We've added a Summary tab to Standings page that summarizes your (or any selected participant's) week's (or overall for Bracket) performance, with a new ingredient! Graphs, that plot:
- Week-by-Week (or Round-by-Round for Bracket) Scoring
- Weeks (or Rounds for Bracket) Above Average
- Overall Scoring
- Overall Ranking
Don't worry, we didn't remove the Standings tables! We just relocated them under a new Standings tab on the page.
We also added to the All Picks page experience (well we think anyway), by adding a Scoring Distribution tab that:
- Shows your (or any selected participant's) score against the week's (or overall for Bracket) average, min and max scores
- Graphs the week's (or overall for Bracket) scoring districution
Applicable for Pick Em, Confidence, Margin and Bracket formats only. |
| New Feature: Squares Pools Expansion | 2023-10-03 |
We've implemented a significant improvement to our Squares Pool format! Now you can use it for any game you want!
Just enter the team names and game time when setting up your pool in the Wizard, and enter the scores during the game to have us declare the winning squares! |